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Breathing New Life Into an Old Bathroom

I know when it comes to interior design there is a lot of saturation in the market, a lot of genuinely beautiful homes and a lot of great ideas to bring old beauty back to life. Sometimes, design can easily get away from us and become financially unattainable. And if you are like me, of limited funds and unlimited ideas for projects, your budget necessitates embracing what is already existing in your home while making everything look cohesive and 100% intentional.

I am sure I have said to my husband more times than he cares to hear, "the design will look good as long as it looks intentional." And that is how I approach any design project I am embarking on. I imagine that it's not a unique mantra but it serves its purpose in embracing what was an outdated home, and turning it into a place I enjoy being.

So that brings me to one of my favorite rooms in the house, and really one of the reasons I bought this 1954 mid century rancher. The main bathroom was somewhat neglected. I can tell that the last renovation was done in the 1970's judging by the finishes in the kitchen and the bathroom, but not everything was lost. Especially not the beautiful tile and cast iron tub. There were a couple of issues though, the biggest being the the broken soup dish tile. While it was sad to do and a replacement was impossible to find. I knocked them out and replaced them with a beautiful tile to accent the room.

This is how it turned out. I could show the depressing before photos but no one wants that. The green tiles perfectly match the Viridian vanity (here). The wallpaper is currently out of stock but it might be possible to get it direct from the manufacturer.

The mirror and the towel rack did a lot to bring some depth to the bathroom without overwhelming the small space.

and the shower curtain (here) is a lovely dusty blue that accents the blues in the wallpaper perfectly.

I also had to overcome the awkward door that swung into the bathroom from the bedroom, dramatically reducing the function and size of the already small room. This was my solution. The bathroom entry is the two doors to the right.

I deconstructed a bifold closet door and created a doorway that swings open like saloon doors into the bedroom, and has been a real game changer and cost next to nothing to do.

Don't miss the sneak peak into the bedroom which houses some of my favorite finds that I will highlight soon. But you can see the lamp and clock that I absolutely adore.

You can find them here


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